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The Core Discord Bot
A versatile Discord bot, containing advanced leveling, various games, moderation tools and other features.
Example Screenshot 1
Advanced Leveling

The Core features a highly granular XP and leveling system.

It houses features not contained in any other Discord bot. The Core's XP is called "Lava Shards" (LS).

  • Text LS gains are largely non-linear. You gain more LS for participating in active conversations instead of randomly posting.
  • Text LS are protected against spam and bot command usage (even bots that have typical letter prefixes!).
  • Supports annual, monthly, weekly and even daily leaderboards in some cases.
  • Very flexible notification system. By default reacts with 🎉 and 🏆 upon level up.
  • Voice Leveling - gain lava shards for participating in active voice channels!
  • Multiple level types, which separates various sources of LS: Voice, Text, Relations, Adolebia and more!
  • Server vs Server leaderboards - compete against other whole Discord servers!
  • Reward users of your server for reaching specific level milestones with roles.
  • Customize the local level function used for any level type in your server (full customization requires Premium).
  • The slash command for leaderboards displays leaderboards through images!
  • And more!
Example Screenshot 2
The Bane of Adolebia

The Bane of Adolebia is a social deduction game on Discord inspired by Town of Salem.

Experience social deduction with a huge variety of roles and unique encounters! All on Discord!

  • 40 unique roles to play with.
  • Supports voice chat!
  • Players are given a score based on how well they perform. This score increases their level.
  • Lots of stats accessible with %adolebia stats !
  • To play, a moderator has to use %adolebia create first.
Example Screenshot 3

When you speak with other people through text, you increase your Friendship Level with them!

Once your friendship gets high enough, you can use %hug and %kiss or even go further!

  • Having high relations with another person grants a LS boost when talking with them. (can be disabled by server staff)
  • The %hug and %kiss commands depend on your already existing Friendship Level with whom you're using it on. It might harm your relations if they are low enough!
  • You can %romance another user to raise the Friendship Level limit beyond +100, and even marry them to remove the limit entirely!
  • Surplus Friendship Level that goes beyond your friendship limit is turned into bonus LS!
  • This feature is just for fun... don't get parasocial over it!
Example Screenshot 4
...and More!
  • Many moderation features - set up your own warning system and record reasoning behind every moderation action.
  • Story game - play a game where users blindly fill in the blanks of a story for a spicy, absurd result!
  • Achievements for interacting and accomplishing various goals on the bot.
  • Set up a channel to do Base64 counting and reward a growing amount of LS for counting correctly.
  • Set up reactables to give roles, hold giveaways or votes upon a click of a reaction emoji (though it's pretty inconvenient right now).
  • Mudae synergy - can track various information about users to help you host events. Accessible through Slash Commands only.
Keep in mind that inviting The Core to your server and using any of its features requires you to agree to the Usage Rules, as well as the Privacy Policy.